Create Git branch - GitHub
Steps to create a branch and push files: 1. first clone master branch git clone repo_url 2. create branch git branch branch_name 3. push branch to remote git push -u origin branch_name Here your branch will be visible in branches, next you want to add on something in your branch and push to remote. Let's move to step 4> 4. Now to start work on your own branch, first you need to switch to your branch git checkout mnt_code-revamp-v1 5. to check your current working branch, it will show you all files and mark * on current one git branch -a git branch --show-current (Git 2.22 and above) 5.1 Add data/ files to local repository and then push to git branch Add file : git add . commit those changes: git commit -m requirements.txt Push file to branch: git push requirements.txt 5.2 Add folder to local repository and then push to git branch git add * git commit .....pop for enter a message ....write message and hit Esc>:wq! Enter git status 5....